Sampling Cements
Starting the characterization of our industrial partner’s cement samples.
The Samples
Thirty samples of one kilogram each are available. The samples come in sacks, and it took me a while to find the information to be able to identify each of the samples.
Actually each 10 kilograms correspond to the same batch of material. So we will have to be careful when relating the laboratory tests that were previously performed on the data
Bags organization
Cement Bags
Samples were placed in large containers, and in each batch about 100 grams of additional material was placed on top of the container to characterize as much material as possible.
Finally, I acquired 7 images for the samples. I think we acquired a lot of hyperspectral pixel for the amount of material.
The RAW database is close to 200 GB.
Offtopic data of the day
I found an article about altered visual encoding capacity in individuals with autism spectrum disroder. PLOS Article
The articule state some conections with cramer rao lower bound and the fisher information