The holidays are coming, to work!

1 minute read


This beautiful time of year is coming, the holidays! Where everyone stops coming to university and I can work alone and calm.

The university closes every year for the month of February. Students get their well-deserved break, and most staff and students have a month to share with their family.

It is an exciting time, it is the month when I can work quietly at the university with minimal interaction with humans.

I am coordinating the projects and activity planning of what to have ready for March.

The preparations

The new shaker

Summer is hot and having cold liquids or cold fruit and vegetable smoothies is always important. Now I have a small device to prepare my little shakes.


Samples for project

We have samples to evaluate, so this summer will be interesting.


Off topic

The idle time always provide interesting memories

I love some learning techniques

I found this, and now I always use it to teach multiplication to kids


3D pencil

I have this! now I need to test it.


Anatomy teaching with stuffed animals

Im sure that Micromundo would enjoy this idea!
