My doctoral dissertation defense
The end of my doctoral studies in electrical engineering has finally come.
The end of the cold winter
It has been a long process, where various family problems have increased the normal difficulty. They have been complex years with many losses. But also with a new family and love.
I consider myself a little hermit and I quite enjoy solitude. So neither family nor friends were invited to this activity. It was a calm and extensive defense, like all of them.
I am deeply grateful to my advisors and the doctoral commission, some of them had to travel from afar to be present.
The topic
In this work, the formulation and experimental analysis of the Optimal Sensor Placement (OSP) problem has been investigated in the context of categorical 2-D models with spatial dependence. In the mining exploration and production area, this problem attempts to find the best way of distributing measurements (or samples) to optimize sensing/locating resources in areas of mining and drilling.
This work aims at formalizing the OSP problem for a given amount of available measurements. The characterization of the uncertainty is a central piece of this formalization.
More details?
Some additional information about the topic and the talk can be found Here